April 1st, 2012

April 2, 2012 lecoqjudi

So let’s talk about the MS Walk from the perspective of then and now…Life after Stem Cells.  I walked about a mile total, including walking to the starting point etc, as confirmed by my pal Beth.  I started out really well, but somewhere around the 10 minute mark, the walking really deteriorated.  So I was not able to finish the course.  Dial back 2 years ago, before Stem Cells, I would not have lasted 1 minute.  I probably could not have done any walking at all, frankly.  I know what I need, I need more Stem Cells for what I hope will be further repair.  BUT I DID IT! (whatever IT was)

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2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. forthferalz  |  April 4, 2012 at 2:00 am

    HI Judy, found your website after seeing video on youtube from 2011. Glad to see you are still going well but sorry to hear that you need more stemcells? I suppose this actually means the MS has not gone away as a disease process – or does it? DO you do anything like the Swank diet to maintain? take vitamin d …. sorry if this is elsewhere in your blog haven’t read the lot!

    • 2. lecoqjudi  |  April 13, 2012 at 2:34 am

      Thank you for checking out my website! Stem Cells, while holding so much potential for repair and rejuvenation, are not YET a cure for MS. I have had some real repair to old damage, but my walking and balance still need more repair. I believe that each treatment has the ability to make repairs to old damage and each successive treatment can build upon the last. (In about 65% of the time) As far as the modification of the immune system for things like numbness, tingling, fatigue, weaknwss etc…after each treatment, I do get a window of time…8 months or so, when all those things go away. Then they come creeping back. When the cure is found, and I believe there will be a stem cell cure, these will go away for real. I do take lots of supplements including Vitamin D. While I don’t follow the swank diet exactly, I do follow Dr. Terry Wahl’s advice…lots of veggies and fruits! I wish you all the best, Judi

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